Liposuction: Local or General Anesthesia?

Woman contemplating liposuction options

For patients interested in liposuction in the Boston area, the option to forgo general anesthesia and have the procedure performed under a local anesthetic is an alluring one. Many patients prefer the less intense experience and fewer side effects of a local approach, but aren’t sure if it is a safe or practical.

In this blog post, I’ll offer my insight as a board-certified plastic surgeon, experienced in liposuction, to help you understand the factors that go into anesthesia selection for each procedure and patient.

Anesthesia Options for Liposuction

Liposuction is a surgical body contouring procedure that uses a cannula (a small tube) to pull fat out of the body. It targets large areas of fat like the back, arms, stomach, and legs to create a smoother, slimmer silhouette and trim down stubborn areas diet and exercise can’t address.

I perform liposuction under general anesthesia or local anesthesia, combined with some sedation, which we call monitored local anesthesia. In both cases, our team of skilled practitioners takes great care to ensure patients are completely comfortable and experience little to no discomfort.

The Right Option for You

Whether your procedure is less intensive or more will be instrumental in deciding your option. This takes into account factors like the amount of fat being removed, the size of the area being targeted, and the number of separate regions being treated. Details relating to your own patient profile, such as your medical history, may also come into play as we make our recommendation for your anesthesia approach.

A qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon you can trust will present both options to you as you discuss your treatment. Dr. Guenther will weigh all necessary factors along with your personal concerns and requests to ensure you receive the best possible liposuction experience from consultation to recovery.

Tummy Tuck Considerations

On of the most common reasons patients opt for general anesthesia is their choice to combine liposuction with a more intensive procedure such as a tummy tuck. When performed along with liposuction, a tummy tuck can address any loose skin concerns and tighten up abdominal muscles to sculpt a slim, toned stomach area.

When you come in for a consultation, we will listen closely to your goals and concerns and create a custom treatment plan for you. We will answer your questions about anesthesia and provide our recommendation for the approach best suited for your procedure and recovery expectations. Whichever approach we take, we will work to make sure you are comfortable, safe, and thrilled about your results.

If you are interested in learning more about liposuction options in the Boston area, please contact us to request a consultation or call us at (781) 740-7840.

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