Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, or Both?

Woman in bikini after breast augmentation in Boston

For women who want to enhance their breasts—especially women who have experienced pregnancy or weight loss—the question of whether to choose a breast lift or breast augmentation at my Boston plastic surgery practice is a common one.

In this blog post, I’ll discuss the differences between these procedures, who may benefit most from each of them, and why taking a combined approach may be your best solution.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that enhances breast size and symmetry through the use of implants.

  • What it Does: Augmentation increases the size of the breasts, achieves a rounder, fuller shape, and balances asymmetrical breasts. Ideal candidates are women who are unsatisfied with their natural breast size and shape.
  • What it Doesn’t Do: It’s not a good approach for addressing sagging or deflation. It may seem like adding volume to drooping breasts would help fill and lift them, but adding implants to stretched skin typically only results in additional sagging.

Breast Lift

The breast lift is a surgical procedure that tightens loose skin and tissues to create an elevated, more youthful appearance.

  • What it Does: A lift reshapes and repositions the breasts, forming a perkier, firmer, more ideal shape. Good candidates are women who are experiencing sagging due to aging, weight loss, or pregnancy.
  • What it Doesn’t Do: Breast lifts don’t address size. In fact, some women say their breasts appear slightly smaller after the procedure because the tissues are lifted and tightened.

Combining Procedures

If you are looking to achieve a perkier, more lifted look while also adding volume and increasing size, a combined approach may be the best solution for you. In this procedure, we place implants and also correct sagging tissues for a result that is both curvier and younger-looking. By combining procedures within one surgery, you’ll gain the benefits of both procedures while only experiencing one recovery period and paying one set of associated fees.

This is an ideal option for women looking to reverse the effects of pregnancy, aging, or weight loss without sacrificing any volume. It also works well for women who want to enhance their natural size without adding to any existing sagging.

Your Treatment Plan

When you’re deciding which breast procedures to pursue, the most important step you can take is booking a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Using our years of experience in breast procedures, we can present every option available to you and provide guidance as to which may be most helpful.

I make it a priority to discuss my patients’ concerns and goals at length before creating a treatment plan. This helps me make sure I’m able to create precisely the right corrections that will leave them feeling satisfied, empowered, and confident.

To see examples of the results you can expect, please visit our before-and-after photo gallery.

If you would like to learn more about breast lift or breast augmentation at my Boston plastic surgery practice, please contact us using the online form or call us at (781) 740-7840 to request a consultation.

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