What Is a Deep Plane Facelift?

Mature-aged blonde woman touching her face (model)

For those considering facelift surgery, it can be difficult to keep the many different techniques straight. There’s the SMAS lift, mini lift, thread lift, and more. Some are more effective than others, but the deep plane facelift is the gold standard for facelift surgery. I specialize in deep plane facelift surgery at my Boston practice because it produces longer-lasting and more natural-looking results.

How Facelift Surgery Has Improved

The evolution of facelift surgery during the past 30 years went from procedures that emphasized simply pulling the skin tight to advanced techniques that reflect an understanding of how volume loss contributes to facial aging. Instead of the “skin-only” procedures that resulted in a wind-swept look, plastic surgeons began elevating the soft tissue and muscle below the skin, called the SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system), along with restoring volume using fat transfer techniques.

The deep plane facelift is the most advanced—and technically demanding—of the contemporary techniques. You can learn more about the top benefits of a deep plane facelift in my related blog post.

How Is a Deep Plane Facelift Performed?

The SMAS and deep plane facelifts target the lower two-thirds of the face and address sagging skin, excess fat, jowls, and loss of volume in the cheeks. As its name suggests, however, the deep plane technique gets under the SMAS layer. Both procedures involve making incisions behind and in front of the ear and concealed in the hairline.

What sets the deep plane approach apart is releasing ligaments that anchor the deep layers of connective tissue and fat and lifting and repositioning the skin and SMAS together. This avoids putting tension on the overlying skin.

Before & After Face/Neck Lift Case 4 View #1 View in Boston, MA
Before & After Facelift Surgery
Before & After Face/Neck Lift Case 14 View #1 View in Boston, MA
Before & After Facelift Surgery
Before & After Face/Neck Lift Case 14 View #2 View in Boston, MA
Before & After Facelift Surgery
Before & After Face/Neck Lift Case 70 View #2 View in Boston, MA
Before & After Facelift Surgery
Before & After Face/Neck Lift Case 70 View #3 View in Boston, MA
Before & After Facelift Surgery

How Long Does a Deep Plane Facelift Last?

Plastic surgery doesn’t halt aging, but a deep plane lift can produce results that last 10 years or more. That means you’ll look like yourself but about 10 years younger. Even though the results can last a decade, many patients pursue nonsurgical aesthetic treatments to maintain their outcomes.

Additionally, your lifestyle choices can help extend the results’ duration. These may include:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Avoiding the use of nicotine
  • Staying out of the sun and wearing quality sunscreen consistently
  • Sticking to a good skincare regimen

It’s also common for patients to combine a deep plane facelift with other procedures, such as blepharoplasty, for more extensive facial rejuvenation.

How Long Does It Take To Recover From a Deep Plane Facelift?

The recovery after any facelift procedure involves physical healing time and the time it takes to feel comfortable attending social gatherings. Patients can return to non-physical jobs about 5 days after the surgery. However, if you plan to attend a social function such as a wedding, allow a few months to ensure residual swelling has resolved.

How Much Is a Deep Plane Facelift?

The cost of a deep plane facelift—or any other facelift—depends on several factors. Each patient is unique, and the extent of the procedure needed to accomplish their goals differs. Also, the cost includes the plastic surgeon’s fee, so their experience, training, and credentials influence the price. I recommend not basing your choice of facelift surgeon on the cost. Look for a surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery with extensive experience performing deep plane facelifts.

You can discuss your concerns and goals with me by requesting a consultation using the online form or by calling my practice at (781) 740-7840 to schedule an appointment.


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